WHO Collaborating Centre on eHealth (AUS-135)

The WHO Collaborating Centre on eHealth conducts digital health research and development in the integration of citizen and community engagement, capability maturity of health organisations to implement and evaluate digital health practice and policy to achieve and sustain integrated person-centred health services that are safe and effective, accessible, equitable and culturally appropriate. The WHO Collaborating Centre for eHealth provides academic and technical expertise and knowledge products (e.g. systematic reviews, technical papers) to inform decision-making on digital health interventions in health systems, organisations and communities; and build capacity for and strengthen digital health principles, clinical practice, management and policy to support learning health organisations to achieve universal health coverage and contribute to realising the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The WHOCC is guided by an Advisory Committee. We are particularly engaged in efforts by WHO HQ, WPRO, Australian Network of WHOCCs and UNSW Sydney to review, develop and implement "long-COVID" clinical and informatics strategies to address COVID-19 in and by primary care. 

Booth Representative:
Siaw-Teng Liaw
E: siaw@unsw.edu.au

Website: https://sphcm.med.unsw.edu.au/who-collaborating-centre-ehealth